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GEMS ( Goal-based Educational Movement to Success)
Číslo projektu:2017-1-SK01-KA101-035206
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:48712 €
Sumár projektu:The rational of the GEMS ( Goal-based Educational Movement to Success) comes from the utter need to combat the dramatically increasing the students absence and modernize and internationalize our institution. The aspect of modernization covers the need to provide the teachers with the proffesional growth in order to raise the school´s profile in the matter of implementing new student-centred approaches and methods , replacing the traditional ones. Objectives of the project are to popularize the teaching professions in different subjects and improving the External Maturita Math results by building up the students´intrinsinc motivation towards studying, improving their interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, to motivate them towards studying teaching professions in different subjects with the emphasis on Maths. By job-shadowing activities in three different countries for 8 subject teachers,1 management member,1 school counsellor our project will be the means to gain new knowledge, different School systems awareness, a variety of teaching perspectives which will definitely contribute to the raising our school´s profile. From the point of student-centred methodologiesthe teachers will be specializes in different fields of their subjects. The objective is to improve 2nd foreign languages Russian ( by implementing creative methodology into the classroom) German ( by setting up CLIL lessons), to specialize 1 st foreign language English ( Business English - set up new subject, how to differentiate the tasks of students with special needs, implement Drama elements into the lessons and interconnect new creative methodology to enrich the lessons), to improve the foreign communicative skills of 4 subject teachers ( German,Ethics, Civics, Art in order to set up CLIL lessons) and to improve the foreign communicative skills of management and administration staff by specific course attendance and to provide the proffessional growth of the teachers,management and administration staff as well. Speaking of the aspect of internationalization of our institution the teachers will broaden their teaching persperctives by attending the job-shadowing and specific courses activities in order to buil-up e-twinning projects in different subjects and contribuite to the upcoming KA2 partnership.
Koordinátor:Gymnázium Andreja Vrábla Levice