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European School Post
Číslo projektu:2018-1-HR01-KA229-047503_3
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:197193 €
Sumár projektu:Our project aims to create a magazine with the collaboration of our six partners. We think the magazine will be a kind of bridge which connects us each other. We will work with the students aged between 8 and 14 who are open to learn new things. We will share the activities that we do at our schools, our recipes, traditional dance and songs, postcards, bookmarks that our students prepare. we will also create a multilingual dictionary, a new imaginary character as the magazine reporter, have video conferences, plant Erasmus tree and hold logo and photograph competitions. By means of these activities we will find the chance to know each other better and recognize what we have in common and in different. This will enable us both respect our differences and feeling the sense of being european members. We will put all these sharings and new learnings on our magazine. Our Slovak partner, Základná škola s materskou školou Želiarska 4, has already done an Erasmus+ project about reading comprehension and creative writing using ICT and now with the help of this new project they will be able to guide us by spreading these methodologies and developing them further creating a magazine.
Koordinátor:Zakladna skola s materskou skolou Zeliarska 4, Kosice