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Fostering Employment of Maternity Leavers
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA204-046371
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:169056 €
Sumár projektu:In most countries in Central and Eastern Europe, statistics show a significant difference between women's employment (59.3 %) and maternal employment (15 %). This problem mainly concerns the employment of mothers of very young children. The longer the mother stays at home with the child, the more difficult it is for her to return to work. Over the years, when a mother is at home, she is losing working habits, an overview of labour market opportunities, she usually has difficulties in reconciling family and working life, often lacking new skills needed for the labour market. Most women find it very important to return to work after maternity leave, but the working opportunities for women with small children are very limited. Employers are inflexible, they often have prejudices, in particular short-term jobs are lacking. A preliminary analysis of the situation in the partner countries has shown that these problems are more or less dealt with in all countries, but in the Western European countries, namely in the Netherlands and Norway, the situation is more favorable, the employers are more flexible and the shorter-term work is offered by most companies . However, the common feature is that, regardless of geography, it is necessary to develop the skills of women after maternity leave in line with current, continuously changing labour market requirements. The project will focus on developing the skills of women on/after maternity leave through innovative blended learning. Blended learning will allow the target group to acquire relevant knowledge, new skills (e.g. sorting and filtering information, virtual collaboration, creative thinking, etc.) that are needed to be successful on the labour market in the 21st century. At the same time it will provide information on various new job opportunities and forms of work. Women on/after maternity leave will be motivated in the project activities to think creatively and engage in creating the content of the learning material according to their own needs. During the training they will acquire skills that will enable them to develop their career and return to the labour market. The project will support the introduction of new innovative techniques in the digital age. It will contribute to developing the IT skills of a professional team in creating e-learning materials, as well as developing the IT skills of direct target groups. An important activity will be the creation of a motivation package for employers and the participation of adult education lecturers and professional consultants in international short-term staff training event. Within the activity, their competencies will be developed, which will enable a better cooperation with employers. The acquired competencies will contribute to motivating employers to employ women after maternity leave. Better cooperation with employers will help increase their empathy and the introduction of new flexible forms of employment.
Koordinátor:TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.