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The MORE (Miracles of my region)
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA229-046413
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:109398 €
Sumár projektu:The MORE (Miracles of my region) project is a project focused on finding, observing and getting to know about natural, cultural and historical interests in school region and is based on inter cultural team work involving 5 European countries (France, Sweden, Slovakia, Norway, and Czech republic). Each country will organize a five days meeting on one of the following topics : 1. Topic : Cultural and historical 1.1- Culture and society ( museums, galeries, memorial places, folklore feasts) 1.2.- Art and history ( Castles, open alr museums, folklore architecture) 1.3 – Nation in European context ( Towns of european culture, sport, ruins, dormitories) 1.4 – National Gastronomy yesterday and now ( Days of regional Cuisine, vintages, fairs, feasts, exhibitions ) 2. Topic : Nature 2.1- Interesting facts of live nature – Fauna and flora (arboretums, botanical gardens, ZOO s, natural reservations...) 2.2 – Natural landscapes ( Caves, tarns, mountains, lakes, volcanos, canyons ...) During each meeting, the host country will receive a delegation of 5 students and 2-3 staff from each country. Each meeting will consist of at least : 1 A special food event in relation to the topic given above organized by the host country 2 Tasks (songs, advertisements, role play,video...) performed by students in international teams. To complete the tasks each delegation will come with a "national miracle bag" later only NMB. It will contain real and virtual items related to the topic of the meeting. Each international team will choose some items from each "national miracle bag" to create an "international miracle bag". Creating international teams will promote greater communication and inter cultural exchanges. Local, regional, national organizations, companies, and other establishments will be involved in the MORE project. Exchanges of staff will also play a key role throughout this project to foster exchanges and will be used to assess the project. A MORE Internet platform and cell phone devices will also be created to promote exchanges, to create dynamism and to ensure a more efficient communication between all participants. At the same time a MORE facebook profile will help in communicating and disseminating the results and a MORE YOU TUBE channel will be used to gather the most relevant videos throughout the project.
Koordinátor:Spojena skola
Ivanka pri Dunaji