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Studieren und Arbeiten in Europa
Číslo projektu:2019-1-DE03-KA229-059561_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:29136 €
Sumár projektu:The project "Study and work in Europe" will be carried out from 2019 to 2021 by the Peutinger-Gymnasium in Augsburg (Germany) and the Gymnázium Opatovská cesta 7 in Košice (Slovak Republic). The schools are supported by educational institutions and business enterprises in the two cities, namely the International Office of the University of Augsburg and the companies Lechwerke AG (Augsburg), Faurecia (Augsburg / Košice), Východoslovenská energetika a.s. (Košice). The project is based on the following considerations: Today, studying and job training in other European countries is increasingly in focus. This is related, for example, to the fact that in some EU countries the numerus clausus is not as strict for sought-after subjects as it is in Germany. Many companies consider "work experience abroad" as an important criterion when they are hiring. However, the success of European integration also depends on the fact that as many young people as possible have as much experience within Europe as possible. Studies or vocational training in another EU country enables students to do so. Careers advice already plays an important role in secondary schools. Our project wants to add European aspects. Some questions that have to be considered: How do we integrate European aspects into national school curricula? How do we make students open up to a European view on their study and work plans? How can students benefit from studying or training in other European countries? Which skills are required for students who would like to study or pursue vocational training in other European countries? To answer these questions, our student and teacher groups will not only do research in their hometown, but above all at educational institutions and enterprises of their twin city. Through close contact with young people or teachers from the other country they expand their language and intercultural competence. They experience the advantages of the European unification up close. The core of the project is therefore an exchange program for the students and the participating teachers of the two partner schools, Peutinger-Gymnasium in Augsburg (Germany) and Gymnázium Opatovská cesta 7 in Košice (Slovakia). The results of the project will be published at the end in an open exhibition, an information leaflet and a lesson plan with teaching materials.
Koordinátor:Gymnázium, Opatovská cesta 7, Košice