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INcluded in NAture
Číslo projektu:2019-1-ES01-KA229-064835_4
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:26426 €
Sumár projektu:INcluded in NAture is a 2-year project of 5 European schools with the common idea to combine social inclusion, inclusive education, the schools' and teachers' professional development with the nature topics. The idea of the project came from the necessity of strenghtening social inclusion in the partner schools. We also intend to improve our students’ education by equipping them with key competences as well as strengthen the qualifications of our teachers. Our strategic partnership aims to exchange experiences and know-how on social inclusion and teaching methods between European schools to produce an innovative 'INcluded in NAture Toolbox – the exchange of good practices'. As a result, we will equip teachers with methods to improve students’ knowledge, awarness to care for the environment and live in symbiosis with nature. We will encourage the participation of students who belong to minorities as well as socially disadvantaged and students with special educational needs. The project is designed for students aged 12-14. The approximate number of students involved in each school is 30-60. However, we intend to engage activly the whole school community into our actions. The students will be involved throughout the project in planning, evaluating, creating products, and disseminating. The project will follow two directions: - activities for students that aim to support social inclusion, close connection with nature, key competences including ICT and language skills - exchange of good practices among teachers The project is divided into fourstages: 1.Food in NATURE (school garden, natural recipes, healthy food, water) 2.Protect NATURE (ecology, recycling, eco-friendly lifestyle) 3.Life in NATURE (animals, plants, insect house) 4.Wellness in NATURE (relaxation, social skills, art, sounds of nature) The fifth part NATURE FESTIVAL will be a summary of the project. We plan project meetings: 5 virtual mobilities between our students and 5 LTTAs. Every part begins in LTTA where students will take part in the topic related CLIL lessons, workshops, outdoor learning and teachers will present their good practices on the particular project topic. The work will be continued at schools. We will have an art exhibition, a school garden, a house for insects, an eco contest for local schools and worshops with specialists. Students will take part in outdoor learning and educational trips. The last LTTA will be organized as NATURE FESTIVAl to prepare a common performance, edit final version of the The Nature Magazine and evaluate the project work. The INcluded inNAture Fair to be organized at the end of the project at each school will be a place to exhibit the results we have produced. All the materials will be collected as INcluded in NAture School Portfolio for future use. All the outcomes will be disseminated on ICT platforms to assure their sustainability. We plan to make digital posters, a NATURE film, School Portrait: Nature and I, ‘The tree of commitments’ and work on the project website, eTwinning, school blogs and social media to share our best results. All the materials created in this project will have an open access so that everyone can consult them and use as a useful tool. The Toolbox will be divided into 5 parts. Four parts will present activities on the 4 project topics in details (subject, target group, objectives, materials needed, timing, description of activities, ways of evaluation). The fifth part will present the schools' policies on social inclusion. The Nature Magazine will be the students’ tangible product which will be the result of the workshops, project activities, field trips, observation of the local nature. It will be divided into five parts: Spain, Slovakia, Finland, Slovenia, Poland. We will also produce the logo, baner, project leaflets, newletters, posters and videos about the schools. This project will be immersed into real-life context of the students' lives. It also offers practical solutions for teaching and enjoyable learning. It will allow to raise the schools' profile as innovative institutions which include all students. We will cooperate with local partners from the nature industry. The activities will be integrated into the curricula of the participating schools. Participating teachers will implement the knowledge and abilities to improve the quality of teaching by organizing workshops for students of all abilities. Through the project the partners will inspire other teachers to be reflective professionals who care for their professional development and the development of their schools.
Koordinátor:Základná škola sv. Vincenta