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Together against dropout
Číslo projektu:2019-1-RO01-KA229-063155_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:13655 €
Sumár projektu:The partnership will involve five schools that educate pupils aged 6-15, children with different intellectual or social-economical possibilities. The groups of students include children with SEN and learning disabilities, students with learning difficulties caused by unfavorable conditions (low social-economical and cultural background, conflicting families, Roma ethnicity, inadequate stimulation in preschool etc.). These students have a large number of absences and they are non-proficient in school. We do not plan to identify problems and solutions to combat absenteeism or to ensure school progress for these students, but to help them with their social, cultural, and economic inclusion. Schools must constantly improve their strategies of working with these students, advise them, strengthen the relationship with their parents and bring them closer to school. The purpose of the project is to identify strategies that can motivate the students with special educational needs, learning difficulties and social - emotional disorder and get them involved in school life; to exchange good practices of formal and non-formal activities in order to reduce the risk of school dropout. We are aware that only through common strategies we will be able to make our schools a place fit for all students. Aims: – identifying the causes and involving the children in finding solutions to diminish the learning barriers among students by at least 90% during the project – using interactive teaching-learning-assessing strategies in order to get school progress for at least 75% of the students with learning difficulties – getting at least 75% of the students with learning difficulties and their parents involved in attractive, non-formal activities throughout the project – improving communication in English by at least 90% for teachers and students – improving the collaboration between school-family and community by involving at least 100 parents in the project’s activities – developing by at least 75% the autonomy, responsibility and creativity of the students with learning difficulties by involving them in school life, in making decisions – having cultural exchanges between the participants throughout the project The target group will consist of: - at least 10 Roma children, at least 30 students with low material capabilities, at least 20 students with different mental or physical disabilities (one of the partner schools is a school for pupils with special needs), at least 40 pupils with learning difficulties, poor involvement in formal and non-formal activities and poor school outcomes, at least 20 pupils in each school with a large number of absences. In setting up the activities, we took into consideration that working with the students in the target group involves creating a dynamic, tolerant and inclusive environment in the classroom; learning through collaboration; using concrete and intuitive material; individualizing the school curriculum; designing interactive strategies and using ICT; developing the student’s potential; organizing extracurricular activities to allow interpersonal relationships to develop. Students will participate in counseling activities, cultural visits for documentation and information, they will organize art exhibitions with their own objects, non-formal activities, outdoor / experimental activities, dissemination activities, student exchanges in partner schools. Teachers will participate in workshops on the project topic and they will exchange teaching strategies with their partners. We will achieve the following results on direct and indirect beneficiaries: Students will: - achieve school progress in the main disciplines - improve their abilities to communicate in English - be more motivated and involved in school life - discover new talents and strengths - become responsible European citizens, involved in their own training and development - be better informed about the European culture and history - make new friends - develop their teamwork and cooperation skills, being able to make common products - SEN and SED students will acquire basic skills such as reading, writing, mathematical calculation - Their number of absences will reduce Teachers will: - improve their didactic strategies in activities designed for SEN, SED and LD students - improve their linguistic and ICT competences - exchange good practices in the non-formal domains - acquire competences for the implementation and management of European projects Parents will: - participate in common activities with students and teachers in a European context - be more informed on ways to stimulate their children - be more involved in school activities - be more trustful of their children’s potential On the long run, the final products will be the schools' didactic resource, we will continue to communicate and collaborate on the e-Twinning space of the project.
Koordinátor:Základná škola Veľká Ida
Veľká Ida