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Číslo projektu:2019-1-SE01-KA229-060423_2
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:29120 €
Sumár projektu:Too many students at our partner schools in Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden are indecisive about their future educational path and there is a lack of entrepreneurial skills which would be crucial for improving their quality of Life and Active in the labor market. Therefore, the entrepreneurial skills have to be challenged. Students show low ability to react and to become protagonists of their choices, they are barely available to move to other areas or to other countries in order to meet new opportunities. Many teachers have low ICT literacy and a lack of interest to innovate teaching methodology and educational process and the link between education and the real Life is often insufficient, so we need to Exchange experiences and good practice, carry out peer Learning activities and workshops as well as study real Life cases in business in the four partner countries. The Project will help accomplish and develop competivite national/regional school educational programmes, Life-long educational support for teachers, increase the students' motivation and selfdevelopment skills, reinforce awareness of a European dimension in Community, offer wider range of perspectives for job and Life, through mobility activities and international cooperation. All this in accordance with our different national priorities about promoting the acquisition of skills and competences, open education and innovative practices in a digital era and stregthen profile of teaching profession. Outcomes/results will be shared and disseminated not only within our whole schools but in our regions. The Project focuses on increasing entrepreneurial skills among students aged 16-19 from different educational programmes in Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden and aims to make them more Active, independent and Confident to meet the challenges of the future.Together with 24 students directly, and many more indirectly, 8 accompanying teachers from each school will participate in the different LTT activities (street interviews, meetings with entrepreneurs, visits at companies, workshops) and Another 8 teachers (from various school subjects) will take part in the two joint staff trainings during the project. Participants will anchor output/results at home schools together with local Project teams. Our Objectives: Increase in the schools the development of adequate competences as necessary components for learners for their auto-promotion and their future access to the labour market; Enhance the capacity of teachers and school organizations to impact on the development of such competences, promoting the teaching of innovation in its various facets and its vital connection to ethical, sociological and environmental aspects; Encourage the development of learning processes and methodologies to strengthen the links between educational systems and the world of work and to reduce the mismatch between education and professional integration; Promote a bottom-up creation of tools for schools, as support in the promotion of an entrepreneurial culture; Promote the creation of communities encouraging the School to reach out to the territory and relating training programmes to the cultural, social and economic development of the territory. Our Concrete outputs: New methodologies/techniques to use for teaching/learning at our schools between the projects' LTT:s and long after the Project ends Production of a toolkit for teachers about entrepreneurial, ICT and language skills to use in educational programmes and teaching long after the Project ends Training material and reports from training sessions from the two Learning Teaching Training activities (short-term joint staff trainings) to be used in teaching/learning situations with students and staff at the partner schools Production of a booklet with students' outcomes/results from their activities during LTT:s; workshops, visits to Enterprises and meetings with entrepreneurs. Photos from all LTT:s and from the partner schools' local activities (shared mainly on eTwinning portal and during staff/parents' meetings at partner schools) We also intend to present following outcomes among students and staff: Exchange of ideas and good practices during the Learning Teaching Training activities to be used at partner schools Experience gained by individuals, knowledge sharing, establishment of network and partnerships thanks to the LTT:s, spread to other students and staff at the different partner schools and outside school in the region. New and better entrepreneurial skills alongside ICT and language skills and directly linked to the chosen priority for this Project. Cross-cultural dialogue where the adopting of a holistic approach to language teaching and Learning is evident. Potential longer term benefits are increased student abilities and teacher awareness within education, for personal and working life.
Koordinátor:Hotelová akadémia Ľudovíta Wintera