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Agricultural Safety Through Lifelong Learning
Číslo projektu:2019-1-SK01-KA202-060645
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:264774 €
Sumár projektu:Main ideas for the motivation: In Europe health & safety in the agricultural sector is an issue on the table of policy makers. But, more relevant, there is an increasing interest at grass-root level. In 2014, there were close to 3.2 million non-fatal accidents with 65 thousand fatal accidents from which 14,3 % in agriculture, forestry and fishing activities. In Romania there were 37 deaths caused by accidents in agriculture. 192 workers were rendered unfit for work for more than 3 days by work accidents. The trade unions have in-company experts for health and safety at work. European Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning identifies and defines the key competences that citizens require for their personal fulfillment, social inclusion, active citizenship and employability. One of them is Social Competences. To obtain the related skills it is essential to understand the codes of conduct in different environments (e.g. at work). One of the aspects included in these codes of practice is the health and safety at work (labour risk prevention) and the commitment of its fulfillment of all the workers and companies. In spite of the progress achieved with the previous Community strategy on health and safety at work, the fourth European survey of working conditions show that occupational hazards are not being reduced in a uniform way and agriculture is still particularly dangerous. AgriSafeNet project promot work-based learning, for the implementa-tion of the Council Recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships. These partnerships will develop new training content , that integrate periods of work-based learning, including opportunities to apply knowledge in practical workplace situations Our aim with AgriSafeNet project is Decrease the number of work-related accidents and occupational hazards risk in agricultural sector and increase the critical mass of experts regarding occupational health and safety / agricultural labour risk prevention in order to generate policy change by developing agricultural labour risk prevention education provision, networking and public awareness. Seeing as there are 7 partner countries, we foresee approximately 300 indirect beneficiaries per country, allowing for variations based on country size, to a total of 2100 indirect beneficiaries. In this category, we are thinking firstly of around 20 local participants in the multiplier events described in the "multiplier event" section which will be reached partially for the purpose of invite people to use elaborated materials, and partially for promoting and exploiting results after they have been completed. Furthermore, we foresee a number of approximately 100 other potential trainees which will access the e-learning platform during the duration of the project without our direct guidance, thanks to dissemination and exploitation campaigns, and who will therefore benefit from the project products. We estimate that 300 stakeholders /partnership will be informed about the AgriSafeNet project through project website and social media Each of the partners will promote the project using all available ways. Each partner will participate in different events and fairs and during that events project will be promoted by leaflets, posters and roll-ups and direct conversations with interested people. Project will reach potential beneficiaries also by sending direct e-mails to the institutions which are connected with the project topics. AgriSafeNet project will : a)Setting up a bottom-up solution, based on lifelong learning experiences, to assist the development challenges of Health & Safety experts and practitioners in agriculture. -Strengthening the capacities and structures of farmers, trainers and agricultural authorities on Health & Safety education. b)A network of specialized trainers on Health & Safety and Agricultural Labour Risk Prevention with access to relevant materials, international experts and information center. This will impact by: - increasing number of training offers for rural areas on health and safety(new services for farmers), - opening the subject of already existing trainings to the agricultural labour risk prevention matters (new competencies for the trainers and better services for farmers). c) A network of farmers and farmers’ associations implementing more Health & Safety actions as direct result from the participation in the project. This will impact a direct and immediate decrease in occupational hazards at their farms (new capacities for farmers). d) Organizational development for the stakeholders that have through this project the opportunity to access new knowledge and expertise (new capacities) Furthermore, the proposed products will be not restricted to any given sector, thus it could be easily addressed to people belonging to different agriculture sectors, educational fields, regions, countries or age groups who are interested in .
Koordinátor:Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre