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Think Globally, Act Locally!
Číslo projektu:2017-1-SK01-KA219-035397
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:50850 €
Sumár projektu:„Think globaly, act locally“ is project based on idea of minor activities, that analysed local problems and help to solve them globally to fullfill the ideas of sustainible development. We focus on theory of „ Butterfly effect“ , where also minor things can cause the change in attitude and to have impact on the whole approach. Through the certain project all four partner schools (Slovakia, Greece, Poland, Italy) with minimum of 15 willing teachers and 300 pupils between 6 – 14 y.o. to be involved, will contribute in knowing and getting closer to different cultures, customs and habits that coexist in the EU with concering on environmental issues. The first year we will get to introduction of this topic, create environmental calendar, logo, mascot, notice boards, analyses temperature, ecofootprints, create community garden, speak about historical impact to environment and search for endagered animals and plants by using modern ICT tools, Art and other subjects. The second year we will focus on black dumps, using of energy and chemical analyzes. The teachers will create the Atlas of environmental problems and migrants with methodology of implementation environmental education to school systems in partners country. Initial ongoing and final evaluation of the procesudere will be carried out and our work will be disseminated within the partners schools as well as their communities. Final product will include the Atlas. All participants will benefit through becoming active citizens and develop competencies in thinking and taking actions regarding environmental issues both locally and globally. Two environmental trainings will develop awareness of the value of nature and the of eco actions.
Koordinátor:Základná škola, Ul. sv. Michala 42