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BeLLL (Be Life Long Learning)
Číslo projektu:2014-1-SK01-KA104-000115
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:45000 €
Sumár projektu:Harmony continues to drive the focus on increasing participation in learning and employability by developing quality career guidance, counselling and support services for their staff. This project is a part the Learn and Lead Strategy developed at Harmony. The whole idea beyond this concept is to help teachers/trainers grow and provide the environment in which it is possible to happen. The Learn & Lead strategy has been developing since 2000 when a language school Harmony in Trnava, Slovakia was set up by Jana Chynoradska, a Professional Teacher of English Language and Literature, currently a co-owner of Harmony language school and a holder of an academic title of „PaedDr“. in English pedagogy. Jana, current Principal Manager, has been always interested in helping teachers grow and develop their full potential. As the result of her endeavour she started cooperation with Jim Wright, the Principal Manager at Pilgrims Teacher-Training, Canterbury in the UK in 2007. Their two companies along with a French partner, David Sherry, the owner of GLS language school and a co-founder of the canSPEAK network in France, started to develop the concept of the Learn & Lead in 2010 via the Grundtvig funding from the local agencies. In 2013 the Learn & Lead continued its development with Pavel Siroky, the owner of a training institution RCV from the Czech Republic and Phillippe Abadie, the co-owner of a CNTC language school in France. At the moment the Learn and Lead for Parents is being developed in the learning partnership programme funded by the Grundtvig agencies with the expected outcome to work out the "Parent as a Leader" program. Resulting from this the organisational need is to strengthen staff training in order to be ready and qualified to deliver the Learn and Lead professional language programs (e.g. Parent as a Leader, Multiple Intelligencies, etc.) Leading by example seems to be a very important and highly desired way in our adult-training. Objectives of the BeLLL project are the following: FOR HARMONY: -to internationalize, modernize and professionalize -build networks of international contacts -actively participate in society and develop a sense of European citizenship and identity -increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension FOR STAFF - to develop new competencies, to be able to adopt to change within the organisation and grow as a professional - support the staff in the acquisition of competences with a view to improving their personal development - support the professional development of the staff - enhance notably language competences - raise awareness of other cultures and countries As for the number and profile of the participants, there are expected to be 20 participants (15 trainers, 3 managers and 2 admin staff) with mobilities in three countries (France, UK, Germany) participating in structured courses, coaching and job shadowing. The activities will foster the development of each participant in the key areas defined prior to the mobility, be evaluated after the arrival and as well as 3 months after the arrival. This will help us monitor and evaluate the impact of the training. The project will be led by a project team (Project Manager, Project Support) who will be held responsible for the smooth running of the project (practical arrangements, mentoring, evaluation, communication with partners, etc.). The long-term benefit of this project will be in its great contribution to establishing the Learn and Lead Career Path of a Trainer. Harmony as a catalyst of the Learn and Lead strategy as well as a member of the international canSPEAK network has got a very good positon and reputation gained among the members. Based on this there is a very high probability that the Learn and Lead Training Career Path of a Trainers will be adopted and possibly developed by the members of network. The Learn and Lead Career Path of a Trainer will be fully adopted by Harmony by 31st July 2016 and its associated schools within the USH network. Harmony as a coordinator of the strategic partnership aiming at establishing the Learn and Lead Training Academy which is going to be developed during 2014-2017 with five more partner-organisations (Germand, Poland, Turkey, Czech Republic, France) will adopt this Learn and Lead Training Career Path of a Harmony Trainer into its training scheme and build upon it further on.
Koordinátor:Harmony - Tvoja cesta poznania, s.r.o.
Partneri:Anglolang (Scarborough) Ltd
SCARBOROUGH, United Kingdom
The Education & Training Company Limited
Oxford, United Kingdom