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Age Management Uptake
Číslo projektu:2017-1-SK01-KA204-035420
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:219034 €
Sumár projektu:Every year Europe gains 2 million over 60-year-olds. At the same time, the birth rate decreases. By 2060 one in three Europeans will be over 65. The ratio of working people to the ‘inactive’ others is shifting from 4 to 1 today to 2 to 1 by 2060. At first glance the situation seems to be hopeless. Current activities promoting Age Management concept in many EU countries are insufficient. In many countries, Age Management evangelist are missing. The importance of Age Management for economic growth and development is widely recognized as well as its importance for competitiveness of the economy. In addition Age Management concept provides opportunities for individuals to enrich their working careers and increase their personal wealth. There is a large and growing body of scientific evidence from around the world concerning the methods of Age Management which are most effective in helping people succeed in suitable careers. Many people in adult education, colleges, organisations and NGOs focused on work with 50+ groups have responsibility or contribute to the transition to work, and have little or no training in Age Management. Age Management and active ageing concept is in line with World Health Organization´s Strategy and action plan for healthy ageing in Europe 2012–2020, the EU initiatives and policies, OECD Recommendation of the Council on Ageing and Employment Policies, and national strategies of project partners (Assumptions of the Seniors Long-Term Policy for Poland - 2014-2020, Ageing Policy in the Czech Republic, Národný program aktívneho starnutia na roky 2014 – 2020, Uznesenie vlády č. 688 zo 4. decembra 2013). Furthermore, in March 2017, in response to the challenges deriving from demographic change, the European social partners agreed on the European social partners ‘autonomous framework agreement on active ageing and an inter-generational approach. This general action oriented framework is aiming at: - Increasing the awareness and understanding of employers, workers and their representatives of the challenges and opportunities deriving from demographic change; - Providing employers, workers and their representatives at all levels with practical approaches and/or measures to promote and manage active ageing in an effective manner; - Ensuring and maintaining a healthy, safe and productive working environment; - Fostering innovative life-cycle approaches with productive and quality jobs to enable people to remain in work until legal retirement age; - Facilitating exchanges, mutual cooperation and fostering concrete actions to transfer knowledge and experience between generations at the workplace. The project aim is to review the evidence, apply scientifically validated methods, create, test, apply and disseminate the Age Management Curriculum (for both formal and non-formal education systems). The curriculum that will enable educators to achieve the relevant and high quality skills and extend and develop their competences to become Age Management Advisors. Adult learning community together with universities consider 50+ as crucial participants in lifelong learning because their learning is more than gaining of knowledge: when older people are provided with learning opportunities, they are able to improve their physical and mental wellbeing, to actively participate in society and thus to combat negative stereotypes and social exclusion. For this reason and since many adult learning communities and universities are working with senior learners, are deeply committed to active ageing. Therefore the partnership consist of six partners from 4 countries: associations of adult education institutions, universities, NGOs focused on active ageing. We aim to improve Age Management promotion and implementation by extending and developing educators' competences and by project intellectual outputs: - Scientific Review What Works in Age Management - Age Management curriculum - Course materials for blended learning - Qualification standard of Age management Advisor - Accreditation of adult education course in CEE countries - Guidelines of Age Management Curriculum Implementation
Koordinátor:Asociácia inštitúcií vzdelávania dospelých v Slovenskej republike