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THE SOUND OF BUSINESS - Leveraging the Entrepreneurial Competences of Adults To Extenuate the Business Knowledge Divide
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA204-046325
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:183690 €
Sumár projektu:The Eu 2020 target for the employment rate is to ensure that 75% (20-64 ages) are employed by 2020. In 2016, the EU-28 employment rate (ages 20-64), stood at 71.1%. Hungary has rates in the 70%; Italy, Bulgaria and Poland over 60%; Greece and Slovakia below 60%. The self-employment rate of older workers is higher than for other age-groups (56%).Despite these dates, often the older workers have not the right skills or knowledge to manage their enterprises, caused by the lack of: international view and networks; digital and technological innovations; competitiveness and renovated competences. These aspects have caused the following consequences: many people have not been able to find job or have lost their job and many industries have been closed. As declared by the Eu Commission “An agenda for new skills and jobs”, the promotion of entrepreneurship, self-employment and innovation “can offer a source of innovative solutions to respond to social demands in a participative process, providing specific employment opportunities for those furthest away from the labor market”. Against the background of intensified competition due to the EU enlargement and globalisation, the adults entrepreneurs need to receive specific trainings that allow them in their innovation capacity and the upgrading of qualification and skills (DG Employment, social affair and Equal Opportunities 2009, Guide for Training in SMEs, Final draft). TARGET GROUPs -Trainers for adults; - Adult learners (age 25- 60) : Unemployed or employed with the need of a riqualification of competencies (mainly basic/transversal skills and entrepreneurship), entrepreneurs (and potential entrepreneurs) looking for innovative management skills and a creative approach to improve their performances. GENERAL OBJECTIVEs -To provide trainers with practical tools leading to an innovate method of training related to basic and transversal skills, innovative managerial competencies and entrepreneurial spirit. -To use and promote a non formal approach based on art and music. -To stimulate self-employment initiatives among adults, according to identified unemployed people’s needs and backgrounds. -To promote/renovate managerial skills of the adults and foster the awareness of the importance of innovation and life long learning. -To recognize and validate non-formal learning at European level. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE -To promote entrepreneurship education among adults through an innvoative training approach and to validate the transferred competencies. The project wants to transfer the competencies about the creation and the running of a company to target groups involved, in the first phase to trainers and in the following phase to adults, through the creation of 4 intellectual outputs implemented on the basis of a non formal approach based on the idea that music (in particular the history of Rock music in the present pilot project) can be used as a cue to train adults about management, business and entrepreneurship. The musical genr is not relevant for the planning of the activities. In this way, the project has a stronger replicability. Project Cycle Management approach, that will be used beside the non formal approach based on music, will help participants in focusing on real needs, and in providing potential solutions to these needs through their business ideas. OUTPUTS: -O1: Training tools -O2: Learning platform -O3: Learning Documentary -O4: Protocol for certification of competencies A Training Course (Short-term joint staff training events), addressed to trainers, will be implemented and used as test for the refinement of the outputs. Multiplier events for the promotion of the IOs will be organised in every partner country, by involving also local bands (among those involved in the O1). Transnationality The economic crisis and the business innovations represent two important challenges for the eurozone that require a transnational approach developing a new common pathway addressed to the target group in order to obtain necessary skills needed to succeed in job requalification. The partners share these issues and their solution: “Lifelong Learning” approach, implementing a “pilot” strategy, that can contribute to solve theme. THE INDICATORS FOR ACHIEVING THE PROJECT'S OBJECTIVES ARE: Number of adults engaged directly or indirectly in the SOB project: 10.000 Trainers for adults attending the trainings: 24 + Adult learners involved in the national training courses: 90 References to the training in other training resources - min 3 Educational institutions using parts of the developed teaching material: 8 Number of trainers and learners asking for the certification of competencies according to the protocol:150 Adults starting the process to create their own business: min 5
Koordinátor:ICEP Institute of European Certification of Personnel s.r.o.