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Power Saving Check - Coming of Age Innovative climate protection through targeted adult education and the implementation of Power Saving Checks in low-income households and public buildings
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA204-046352
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:150553 €
Sumár projektu:Already in 2008, the EU brought its climate package on the way. With the 20-20-20 targets, as relevant part of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the CO2 emissions shall be reduced by 20 per cent until 2020, the share of renewable energies increased by 20 per cent and the energy efficiency raised by 20 per cent. Apart from the increasing of the efficiency in all energy applications and in the energy transmission as well as the growing replacing of fossil energy sources with regenerative energy sources, the behaviour of the households and other consumer groups needs to change. The Power Saving Check that has been offered all over Germany since 2008 and in Hungary since 2015, consists of the mediation of knowledge for users in households with low income for their conscious dealing with energy in heating, cooking, lighting and the use of electronical devices, media and communication devices and sensitises them for a raised awareness in the purchase of those items in relation to their energy needs. This knowledge and skill mediation is done in form of a free consultation - the Power Saving Check. Through the change in the user behaviour and minor investments the electricity and water consumption of those households can be relevantly reduced. The consultation is assigned to the so-called Power Saving Checkers - unemployed, particularly long-term unemployed and unemployed young people - and requires an according qualification. An adequate further education is not possible at the moment in Slovakia and Slovenia. The main project results of the two years project that will be implemented by partners from Slovakia, Germany, Hungary and Slovenia are: 1. The Curriculum for the qualification as Power Saving Checker and the Handbook for Power Saving Checkers was transferred to Slovakia and Slovenia and adapted to the country needs and translated into the national languages. In Hungary the documents were up-dated. 2. In Slovakia, Germany, Hungary and Slovenia, the Curriculum and Handbook were further developed and completed in the field “Power Saving Checks in public buildings”. 3. After a successful Pilot Training, 14 experienced adult educators from the partner countries are able to implement the gained skills and competences in the education practise of their countries and to multiply them. According training material are available and were optimised. 4. The completed Curricula for the qualification as Power Saving Checker and the Handbook for Power Saving Checkers were tested in practise in Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. This way, 48 unemployed persons were trained as Power Saving Checkers. 30 multipliers were trained who will consult consumers in the Information Points for Power Saving Checks. 5. The qualified Power Saving Checkers implemented Power Saving Checks in at least 30 low-income households as well as 5 public buildings each in Trebisov and Levice (SK), Szeged (HU) and Slovenska Bystrica (SI). 6. The completed Curricula and Handbooks were translated in one Online Course each and can be used in Slovakia, Germany, Hungary and Slovenia. 7. A Power Saving Calculator for the showing the energy savings and CO2 reductions achieved through the work of the Power Saving Checkers is online. 8. An App for consumers that presents the potentials for saving electricity and water and the linked costs by concrete calculation examples and that informs about Power Saving Checks is available in Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. 9. The completed, tested and optimised Curricula for the qualification as Power Saving Checker have been recognised by the responsible authorities in Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. 10. Information on the project and its results were disseminated, the according target groups were reached.
Koordinátor:Newport Group, a.s.