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Ľudový odev z aspektu tradície, propagácie a zachovania kultúrneho dedičstva
Číslo projektu:2020-1-SK01-KA204-078215
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:75320 €
Sumár projektu:Folk costume in terms of tradition, promotion and maintaining of the cultural heritage The aim of the project KROJ is to highlight the cultural heritage and common history of the nations of Europe. It is based on the richness and diversity of our cultural traditions with the emphasis to the folk costume. The main goals of the project are: - Maintaining and promotion of traditional folk costume by organizing international festivals and events - Maintaining of the historical and regional purity of folk costume - Looking for bearers of folk traditions - Making visible the work of craftsmen – producers of folk costumes and their parts - Creating the network of associate organizations. Project partnership consists of the organizations and associations which are focused on this topic in the long-term and have been already cooperating for more years. The participants of the project will be involved in the main project activities: - Four national project meetings – for project managers of the partner organizations and their deputies - Two educational activities – for key employees who will lead and be responsible for local project activities - Local project activities – determined for members – volunteers of participating organizations and associated organizations. After completion of all project activities we except: - Improved care of folk costume /its historical and regional purity/ - Increased interest among craftsmen and new interested persons in production of folk costume and its parts - Improved quality level of events, exhibitions and shows connected with folk costume - Increased interest of the general public in this area - Increase in the number of associated organizations. By meeting of the main goals of the project and by initiative approach of the participants there is a strong probability that we will continue in the project activities and cooperation also aftrr completion of the project.
Koordinátor:Tradičné ľudové umelecké remeslá