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Rozvoj nových andragogických diagnostických prístupov a intervencií fenoménu docility dospelých.
Číslo projektu:2020-1-SK01-KA204-078313
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:177505 €
Sumár projektu:The project focuses on the development of the Andragogical Diagnostics field, specifically on the diagnosis of adult docility and its selected components. Adult education defines the ability to learn, ie the ability (in this case an adult) of a person to learn, ie to actively enter the learning process, acquire new knowledge, develop skills and habits and acquire new competences necessary for adequate integration into society . Despite the undeniable significance of this phenomenon, it was not theoretically anchored in the educational sciences until recently, so it was not possible to determine its diagnostic properties or set the possibilities for subsequent andragogical intervention. The target groups of the project are: 1. Experts in the field of andragogy, adult education, lecturers, diagnostics. 2. (Adult) trainees - measuring tools diagnose deficits and created intervention programs allow correction of their deficits in the educational process. 3. Human resources experts who will be able to use measuring tools for screening (finding out the level of motivation, self-regulation skills and hence the suitability of a candidate for a particular job position, etc.). The methodology proposed within the project is to achieve project objectives by provision of: 1. intellectual outcomes (O1 - O5) 2. multiplier events (E1) 3. transnational meetings (6) 4. Learning, Teaching and Training (C1) One of the main results of the project will be three standardized diagnostic tools for assessing the potential for adult docility and its components in all participating countries (ability and potential to learn) and its components (selected cognitive functions, self-regulation, motivation). Regarding the standardization of all three measurement tools, which will be performed on representative samples within the project, we will get a huge amount of data on achievement and its components in different age groups of the adult population in 5 EU countries, giving us a basic overview of docility in participating countries. Outcomes: (i.) Standardized Objective docility test (ODT) (ii.) Standardized Vallerand Motivation Scale (iii.) Standardized Self-Regulatory Questionnaire (SRQ) (iv.) Manual / Guide to each measurement tool in each of the partnership languages ​​and summarised in English. (v.) Methodology - creation of intervention programs for individual components of docility on selected target groups with a specific focus on selected cognitive skills, self-regulation and motivation. (vi.) Development of the Andragogical Diagnostics field in all partner countries. (vii.) Obtained data on the achievement of adults of different age groups across various EU countries. (viii.) Docility intervention programs developed designed to mobilize the potential of adult learning and reduce identified deficits in various EU languages (Serbian, Finish, Slovak, Polish, Czech and English) to be used in different locations of educational environment. (ix.) Creation of a group of first trained lecturers diagnosing in new measuring instruments and able to offer adequate andragogical intervention - over all 25 educators of adults (preferential and andragogy students). (x.) A built partnership of subjects for continuous theoretical-scientific and practical-application activities.
Koordinátor:Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
Banská Bystrica