Local Adult Education Policy | |
Číslo projektu: | 2020-1-SK01-KA204-078381 |
Popis projektu: | na stránke Európskej komisie |
Grant: | 288647 € |
Sumár projektu: | The main context for the project is in the Council Council Resolution on renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning that highlights the need to significantly increase adult participation in formal, non-formal and informal learning whether to acquire work skills, for active citizenship, or for personal development and fulfilment, and calls to promote the role of social partners and civil society, as well as optimise the involvement of central, regional and local authorities. Recently, there were adopted Council conclusions on the key role of lifelong learning policies in empowering societies to address the technological and green transition in support of inclusive and sustainable growth which stresses the immense challenge of reskilling and upskilling the adult population in Europe nowadays. Strengthening the governance system is one of focus areas in OECD Skills strategies. They call for improving the adult learning policy based on long-term adult learning strategy, as well as on co-ordination across ministries, levels of government and stakeholders. Also UNESCO with its Learning Cities concept is instrumental for this project. The objective of the project is to contribute to attaining the target of 15% participation rate of adults in learning as stated in Europe 2020 Strategy. To do so, better policies on adult education need to be promoted. With this project we are targeting local authorities to empower them to i) understand and appreciate the importance of the adult education and ii) be prepared to draft local adult education (and/or skills) policy. The primary target group are local decision-makers, council members, staff of local authorities, ie those who will be drafting a policy. The secondary target group are the adult education ecosystem stakeholders such as education providers, learning centres, cultural centres, civic society, employers who have vested interests in having a good policy. They need to understand the issues and cooperate with policy makers in order to set up a functioning and effective policy. And finally, the beneficiaries will be the general public who will be given quality learning opportunities. Local decision-makers will be piloting the LEAP Toolkit and LEAP training and here we plan to involve minimum 70 people from all project countries as participants of online training. The numbers of those who will be offered the LEAP results for uptake will be much higher, of course, through dissemination activities and multiplier events. There two types of activities planned: - “Horizontal activities” – general project management and coordination activities such as project meetings, conference calls, internal reporting, monitoring and evaluation, quality assurance and dissemination with the aim to reach the project results in desired quality as stated in a Project Management Plan. - “Production activities” – for fulfilling the tasks leading to individual Intellectual Outputs. In carrying out the project, we apply a straightforward procedure of - collecting the data, processing them into reports - on the basis of data producing a Toolkit and training, testing them and after the feedback - offering a step-by-step Guide on drafting a local policy on adult education and testing it. The results of the project: 1) The LEAP plаtfоrm as an Open Education Resource. It provides the visibility оf LEАP project and entry to the Community of Practice in the dоmаin оf lоcаl АE pоlicy. 2) Report on Trends and Dynamics in Local AE Policy Making. The mаpping of situation in project countries (cоmmоn methоdоlоgy, research, report on findings) will highlight the opportunities in local policy making for inclusion of adult education. 3) Toolkit for policy-makers, including a training module. The Toolkit will be an organised body of knowledge in the domains of the local policy making and adult education. The attention will be drawn to potential topics for civic education on local level / case studies in climate change, digital skills, health education – pandemia threats 4) Guide on local adult policy making. It will be a very practical tool, a template for drafting of a simple local policy document, applied in practice and produced local policy documents. The main impact is envisaged on policy level, specifically on local policy level (district towns). We expect that the awareness of local authorities will rise on the importance of adult education for the future. After using the Toolkit, training and Guide, the policy makers will be able to formulate a simple local policy doument. When the local authorities adopt the agenda of adult education and skills, they will be able with simple steps, bring more learning opportunites to citizens and see improved participation rates of adults in learning. This might bring other benefits – more satisfied citizens, better skilled workforce and potentailly increase in economic activities. |
Koordinátor: | Academia Istropolitana Nova |
Svätý Jur | |
ainova@ainova.sk | |