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Preserve and share folk traditions
Číslo projektu:2018-1-SK01-KA229-046372
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:97445 €
Sumár projektu:The main goal of this project is to study and promote countries´ own culture and traditions along with improving linguistic, digital and social competences of participants and their schools. We all understand the fear of individual countries - members of European Union - that due to uniting they might lose thier own cultural identity and thus lose their own value as an independent nation. All activities of this project are focused on strengthening the feeling of uniqness of each participating country and looking for the ways how their own identity can be preserved despite being a part of a bign new unit. By their own reasearch, creativity and involvement all participants will make the first step - to identify what traditions mean to them and then share them with others. The best way to learn something about their own indetity / or identify themeselves as Slovaks, Italians and Polish/ is to go back and deep to their roofs presented by local folk art and traditions - the oldest form of culture in their native country. These are the reasons we have chosen this path to follow. In our view, this is the way how to make our young generation aware of their own value, teach them to appreciate the values of other cultures and to work hard on their skills through cooperation as well as competition and to create something that will leave a long-term trace in their lives as well as lives of the communities they live in. The final products we expect to be published will be shared not only with the participating schools but will also be used to promote the region where they live. Although the mobilities do not allow more participants per country as estimated approximately 3 from each country, from our previous experience we can state that the whole school, community of parents and other local institution will benefit from the project results for a long time. All the work will gain international recognition to all participating schools and increase their value in their regions.