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Return on Investment of Work Based Learning and apprenticeships
Číslo projektu:2017-1-SK01-KA202-035375
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:279548 €
Sumár projektu:SMEs are Europe’s motor for growth and employment. They represent 99% of all businesses in the EU and account for two thirds of EU28 employment. The availability of skilled labour is an important prerequisite to their prosperity. Nonetheless, there is a mismatch between the skills the labour market demands and those that the education and training system provides. Realising this mismatch, the European Commission has identified that quality work-based learning and apprenticeships can be an efficient way of addressing labour market imbalances. In countries, where there is a well-established apprenticeship system, such as UK, Austria and Germany, SMEs contribute strongly to the training of the future work force through their involvement in work based learning and apprenticeship schemes. On the contrary, in countries with more school based systems, like Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Bulgaria, the engagement of SMEs in the supply of placements is more challenging as they lack the support systems and fail to realise both the financial and social benefits. The SMEs awareness of the cost-benefit analysis deriving from the work-based learning is therefore crucial in order to determine their participation to the apprenticeship system. Based on this need, “RoI of WBL and apprenticeships” project suggests the development of a return on investment (RoI) model and digital tool that will allow European SMEs to calculate and visualise how investment on WBL and apprenticeships can manifest to multiple benefits. The innovative force of the project is the focus of its model to SMEs needs as well as the integration in the model and the digital tool of both SMEs-related benefits as well as society-related ones in order to clearly demonstrate the multilevel outcomes derived from work-based learning & apprenticeship practices. The general objectives of the project are: - make apparent the benefits of WBL and apprenticeships at the level of individual SMEs and the society. - promote WBL and apprenticeships by motivating the engagement of SMEs. The direct target groups are SME’s entrepreneurs, managers and staff as well as VET providers (vocational training centres, professional schools, employment centres) that cooperate with SMEs for the provision of WBL and apprenticeships. At second level, it targets VET stakeholders and policy makers, national representatives of European networks as well as VET practitioners and experts. The main results of the project are - A model for the calculation of RoI of WBL and apprenticeships by SMEs - A digital online tool that will demonstrate in visual way the RoI model - A Good Practices Guide addressed to SMEs, giving guidance on how to design, implement and monitor profitable apprenticeship practices which can benefit the enterprise, the apprentice and the entire society. - Creation and promotion of an apprenticeship-friendly SMEs badge to increase the engagement of companies in the provision of WBL. - Promotion of VET – SMEs cooperation, through experimentation and validation of the RoI model. - Organisation of promotional events addressed to SMEs entrepreneurs, VET centres and stakeholders that are interested to apply and promote the RoI model and tool. The project is implemented by 8 partners from 8 different EU countries in order to create results that will have European wide applicability and impact, including counties that are still lacking in the engagement of SMEs in WBL (Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria), taking benefit from countries that are more advanced (UK and Italy) and using the technological knowhow of others (Cyprus). The long term benefits deriving from the project are expected to be: - increased supply of WBL and apprenticeship opportunities from SMEs - empowerment of mainly young people by expanding apprenticeship offer - better matching between skills needed by SMEs and those provided by the VET centers - increased number of VET business partnerships - contribution to the establishment of sustainable funding of WBL and apprenticeships through the self-motivation for investment from the side of the SMEs.
Koordinátor:Technická univerzita v Košiciach