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Číslo projektu:2017-1-SK01-KA204-035370
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:196929 €
Sumár projektu:Due to the increase of life expectancy and the delay of the retirement age, the group of people over 50 has become a key group for new economical system. Nevertheless, employment and training sectors have not been transformed to respond to these changing requirements, causing the exclusion of this group in labour and training policies. In fact, people over 50 suffer high rates of unemployment and are usually discriminated when it comes to a training offer. Training institutions have not adapted their offer and methodology to this new public. The basic and transversals skills are one priority for this group. Seniors have been educated in former educational systems, with different methods and priorities. It is necessary to identify the missing skills and provide the qualification that match with the current needs and expectations in order to ensure the maintenance of this workforce and their reintegration to the labour market. The objective of the SILVER project is to foster the qualification and the employability of the workforce over 50 by the means of creating and implementing an innovative distance training. The project seeks to open a discussion with all the relevant stakeholders in order to identify the constraints of seniors in access to qualification and employment and expand the "lifelong learning" and "silver economy" concepts in companies and training organisations. The main objectives are to: - Identify the missing basic and transversal skills of seniors and the mismatches between them and the labour market needs - Improve the target group qualifications and competences by creating and implementing an innovative distance learning training. To do that the project unfolds in 4 stages: 1. Preparation Analysis of the situation of seniors in partner countries using: - Research review; - International questionnaire survey; - Organisation of a workshop with the presence of target groups. These shall provide a basis for a development of the final training programme. 2. Training creation - Training of partners about distance learning tools and LMS - Creation of the pedagogical content and LMS and uploading the pedaogical content in the e-platform. 3. Implementation - Creation of training evaluation methods - Trials of the training and analysis of results of the testing phase. 4. Availability - Creation of a project guide which contains information on the project, results and explanation of how to duplicate it. The project activities will reach out to approximately 700 persons coming from the primary target group of people who are over 50 years old as well as from other stakeholders including employers, educational institutions, counselling centres, non-profit institutions and more. Expected tangible results of the project include: - An innovative and attractive pedagogical approach in order to improve basic and transversal skills - A distance learning tool with all the pedagogical materials - Dissemination tools: project website, communication on social networks - A comprehensive project guide including the full project methodology in order to be able to duplicate this project in another country and in another language, and also including all the evaluation reports of the national testing phases. Among expected impacts of SILVER project are: - Providing different pedagogical approaches and increasing the knowledge about the target group - Improving transversal skills and knowledge about distance learning tools - Including the training developed during the project in the training offer - Identification of missing skills and mismatches with the companies' needs - Increasing the awareness about the possibilities of training and interest in undergoing a training - Fostering the self-confidence and active participation - Facilitating the employability of senior people or their continuation in training.
Koordinátor:TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.