Modern and interdisciplinary career guidance in all sectors | |
Číslo projektu: | 2018-1-SK01-KA104-045925 |
Popis projektu: | na stránke Európskej komisie |
Grant: | 10775 € |
Sumár projektu: | ZKPRK as the professional body of career guidance practitioners in Slovakia has the mission to to support adults' professional mobility and their (re)integration into education and the labour market through career guidance. The project's goals is to increase the capacity of the organization and the competences of its trainers, counsellors and leaders in an international environment enabling them to conduct innovative trainings for career counsellors. The innovative practices will focus on adjusting to individual and very diverse need, focusing on motivation, self-confidence and strengths, and keeping a clear focus on key competences and employability as well as international opportunities. Activities of the project: 1. Selection of candidates from experienced counsellors and trainers - members of ZKPRK from different sectors of career guidance. 2. Participation of 9 selected members and board members (career guidance counsellors and trainers) on 4 selected workshops organized by parter> - Strength based coaching and guidance - 3 participants (November 2018, Copenhagen) - Narrative coaching and guidance - 3 participants (May 2019, Austria) - Supervision of career guides and counsellors - 1 participant (December 2018, Gouda) - Leadership based coaching - 1 participant (April 2019, Copenhagen) - NICE learning event in Cracow - 1 participant (6-8 september 2018) 3. Exploitation of gained know- how: - realization of internal meetings between the board member of ZKPRK and participants - integrating gained know-how into ongoing medium and long-term activities of ZKPRK (providing training, creating national quality standard for career guidance) - dissemination through regional workshops with participants and publication of articles on the ZKPRK website and other platforms (EPALE) Objectives and expected impact of the project: - To continuously develop the key competences of members in career guidance as well as on conducting workshops on these topics. - To innovate and develop the quality of our educational services towards career counsellors, particularly focusing on • Improving and innovating the services of ZKPRK offered to career counsellors working with vulnerable adults, aiming at counteracting negative social discourses and empowering the adult target group. • Innovating services offered to counsellors working with young adults and adults that have fallen out of the labour market focusing on their strengths, key competences and validating these - To implement and be able to pass on a reflective practice, where one model doesn't fit all, but where approaches and methods can be adjusted to individual and very diverse needs. - To raise the competences of the board of ZKPRK to support its members in creating the innovative changes and raise of quality of the educational services (through ongoing process of creating quality standards for career guidance in Slovakia). - To build and strengthen knowledge of European partners for future international activities as well as for sharing and development of good adult educational practice, and career guidance/counselling in particular - to effectively integrate the NICE (Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe) and strengthen the international dimension of ZKPRK. |
Koordinátor: | Združenie pre karierové poradenstvo a rozvoj kariéry |
Bratislava | |
predseda@zkprk.sk | |