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The path to the independent life
Číslo projektu:2019-1-SK01-KA204-060641
Popis projektu:na stránke Európskej komisie
Grant:78508 €
Sumár projektu:The priority of our project is based on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Countries should ensure that persons with disabilities have their fundamental right to live at the same level as others. The transition from childhood to adulthood is one of the key changes in personal life because it has a great impact on the life of person and the life of his family. The main goal of life long education of persons with disabilities is: 1. Social education - Social rehabilitation - support of self-reliance, independence, self-sufficiency, through development and training of abilities, strengthening habits related to self-reliance and basic social activities, 2. Work education - Work therapy - developing work habits and skills related to work and spare time activities under professional supervision with the aim to maintain or develop physical and mental skills and to integrate the client into society, 3. Cognitive education - Alternative communication, aid with expressing the clients’ thoughts, exploring the world, time perception, memory work. Project team members are working with young people and adults, supporting and helping them to become more independent. They are trying to find better approaches to lifelong learning through alternative methodologies and ways to engage parents in this process. Furthermore, the project team members are trying to work with other institutions, and therefore share experiences with other professionals. Each country has different experiences with alternative methodologies in lifelong education , therefore it is very important for them to meet transnationally. Participants are employees of special schools, social institutions, sheltered workshops with years of experiences, who work in direct contact with young people and adults every day. They are engaged in day-to-day training and participating on creating their own individual plan that respects their needs. Quality of education is conditioned with quality professional training of educators. The main outcome of the project will be the recommendation of alternative methodologies: art-therapy, music therapy, ergo-therapy, hydrotherapy, hippo-therapy and alternative communication, supporting the development of gross and fine motor skills and cognitive functions. New innovative learning processes will help improve the quality of education for people with disabilities - helping them to be independent and being part of the community - social inclusion. Getting new approaches and learning processes will help improve the quality of lifelong education by the standards of each organization and strategy of the European Union that aims to improve the position of people with disabilities in society. We expect participants to introduce and bring new innovative methods and practices in the field of education for people with disabilities, bring the flexibility of teachers' thinking, especially in the search for new ways of education and problem solving. Willing to cooperate and share new insights through internal seminars in partner ´s countries and online material that will be offered to the professionals , families and lay public. Our on-line material with recommendations for alternative methodologies in education will be available on each partner organization´s website for free.
Koordinátor:Domov sociálnych služieb pre deti a dospelých Sibírka